Deep in the Brazilian Amazon, a community known as the Landless Movement are on the frontline of land grabs and violence at the hands of cattle ranchers who want their land. This new short film highlights their resilience and exposes the international financial system and agribusiness companies linked to their struggle.
Land is highly contested issue in Brazil, where deforestation in the climate-critical Amazon forest reached a record high this year. Since 1988, the Brazilian Amazon state of Pará has lost an area of forest almost double the size of Portugal. At the frontline of this battle for land are communities like the landless peoples – who are part of a movement of rural workers campaigning for land rights.

Deforestation is at an all-time high in Amazon states like Pará
But this is a global problem.
The landless community featured in this film have faced violence and land grabs at the hands of a local cattle rancher, who wants to use the land and remove their homes to farm cattle. But linked to this is a chain of actors from cattle ranchers through to multinational beef traders, their US and European auditors, international financiers and the governments that regulate them.

"‘The beef you are eating today is beef that cost the life of a farmer here in Para.’" Polliane Barbosa Santos Reis
This documentary shines a light on how the international community can stand with land and environmental defenders like the landless community. campaigning to secure their land rights impacted by big agribusiness activities and standing up to international banks and businesses fueling deforestation and threatening their lands.
Sign up to find out more about future screenings and release date for the film.
Jasmin Qureshi
Multi-Media Editor