Press release | Nov. 10, 2016

Global Witness statement on the US elections

The US election result must be a rallying cry for change. At Global Witness, we have never been more committed to our mission to protect human rights and tackle corruption, environmental destruction and climate change. This vote, like Brexit in the UK, is emblematic of the disillusionment of people with a political system that is driving hyper-inequality. It is also part of a growing and deeply worrying trend around the world towards a more racist, sexist, xenophobic, inward-looking, and fear-based mentality. The rhetoric of Trump’s campaign may have helped elect him but it will not withstand legal scrutiny or the force of our fight.

We must recognize that our political systems are failing our people because they are consistently paid to deliver private gain rather than public good.  

Now more than ever, the many people around the world who care passionately about our planet and the ecosystems upon which we all depend must stand together to confront climate change denial and demand action. Global Witness will continue to fight for change, working alongside our partners around the world. We need to start listening to each other, and carve a way forward that delivers hope, justice and sustainability. Only by working together, united rather than divided, will we be able to tackle the daunting challenges of our time – and make sure the world we live in is just, equal and protected for generations to come. 

