Global Witness is embarking on an ambitious project aimed at overhauling and vastly improving the way in which we use digital tools (including social media and other multi-media materials) to gain impact across our campaigns. As a key part of this process, we want to redevelop and re-launch our website.
It is anticipated that the new website will provide a greatly improved user experience for all our stakeholders. Its technological capabilities will be aligned to our campaigning work, and it will effectively integrate multimedia/social media functionality.
We invite proposals from vendors who share Global Witness’s values and want to work with us to deliver a digital platform that can contribute to the fight against the vested interests fuelling poverty, environmental destruction and human rights abuses.
Please find below a full request for proposals. Please note, any bidders with questions about requirements or the submission process should send questions no later than 00:01 (BST) on the 11th June 2013 to [email protected].
The deadline for final proposals is 00:01 (BST) on the 29th June 2013. (extended from 22nd June)