Press release | April 9, 2020

Coronavirus response packages from US Congress must include anti-corruption measures

Washington, D.C. – April 9, 2020: Any new COVID-19 relief package must include key anti-corruption measures, said Global Witness, Global Financial Integrity and eight other organizations today.

Alexandria Robins, Policy Advisor at Global Witness said:

“We are calling on the US Congress to include integral anti-corruption legislation in any future coronavirus response packages to prevent corrupt actors from exploiting essential relief efforts during this global pandemic.

“Each year, billions are lost to corruption and fraud in healthcare around the world. As the US and other global leaders step up to fight the spread of the coronavirus and the health and economic devastation it leaves behind, Congress must ensure that any urgently-needed relief and resources are not lost to corruption at home or abroad. Passing legislation that would strengthen the rule of law, deter kleptocrats and the corrupt must be a priority within coronavirus response packages. Countless lives depend on it.

“These bills together are a critical step in demonstrating that now, more than ever, the US will not tolerate those who choose to line their pockets at the expense of those in dire need.  In these times of urgency and upheaval, corrupt and criminal actors think no one is watching. Congress must set a standard from the outset that coronavirus relief packages are not open to misuse and abuse,” says Robins.

The four anti-corruption bills which share bipartisan support include the Countering Russian and Other Overseas Kleptocracy (CROOK) Act (H.R. 3843/S. 3026); the Kleptocrat Exposure Act (H.R. 3441); the Foreign Extortion Prevention Act (H.R. 4140); and the Justice for Victims of Kleptocracy Act (H.R. 4361).


Covid-19 Crisis


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